

  • +First, E.C., Mishra, I., Gazel, E., Lewis, N.K., ¨Letai, J., Hanssen, L., 2024. Potential for observing geological diversity from mid-infrared spectra of rocky exoplanets. Nature Astronomy.
  • +First, E.C., Gazel, E., 2024. Mineral and chemical detail of rocky exoplanet surfaces could be detectable. Nature Astronomy (research briefing).
  • +Fortin, M.-A., Gazel, E., Williams, D.B., Thompson, J.O., Kaltenegger, L., Ramsey, M.S., 2024. Lava Worlds Surface Measurements at High Temperatures. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 974.
  • Carr, M.J., Feigenson, M.D., Gazel, E., 2024. A REE Inverse Model from Bulk Distribution Coefficients and Boundary Conditions: Results for Shield and Rejuvenated Stage Hawaiian Volcanoes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25.
  • Dayton, K., Gazel, E., Wieser, P.E., Troll, V.R., Carracedo, J.C., Aulinas, M., Perez‐Torrado, F.J., 2024. Magmatic Storage and Volatile Fluxes of the 2021 La Palma Eruption. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25.
  • Wu, P., Dayton, K., Gazel, E., Porri, T., 2024. Non‐destructive quantitative analysis of melt inclusions in extraterrestrial samples: Case study of chassignite via nanoscale X‐ray computed tomography. Meteoritics & Planetary Science.
  • Troll, V.R., Aulinas, M., Carracedo, J.C., Geiger, H., Perez‐Torrado, F.J., Soler, V., Deegan, F.M., Bloszies, C., Weis, F., Albert, H., Gisbert, G., Day, J.M.D., Rodríguez‐Gonzalez, A., Gazel, E., Dayton, K., 2024. The 2021 La Palma eruption: social dilemmas resulting from life close to an active volcano. Geology Today 40, 96-111.
  • Trela, J., Freiburg, J.T., Gazel, E., Nuelle, L., Maria, A.H., Malone, D.H., Molinarolo, J.M., 2024. Petrologic relationship between lamprophyres, carbonatites, and heavy rare‐earth element enriched breccias at Hicks Dome. Terra Nova 36, 298-305.


  • *DeVitre, Gazel, E., Ramalho R. S., Venugopal, S., Steele-MacInnis, M., Hua, J., Allison, C. M., Moore, L., R., Carracedo, J. C., Monteleone, B., 2023. Volatile-rich intraplate explosive eruptions sustained from the mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, 33, e2302093120.
  • *Dayton, K., Gazel, E., Wieser, P. Troll, V. R., Carracedo, J. C., Lamadrid, H., ¨Ward, J., Aulinas Junca, M., Geiger, H., Deegan, F., M., Gisbert Pinto, G., Pérez-Torrado, F. J., 2023. Deep magma storage during the 2021 La Palma eruption. Science Advances 9, eade7641.
  • *DeVitre, Gazel, E., *Dayton K., Pamuku, A., Gaetani, G. A, 2023. The effect of laser heating on Raman spectroscopy measurements of liquid-vapor bearing CO2 rich melt inclusions. Volcanica 6, 2, 201-209.
  • Hornby, A., Gazel, E., Bush, C., Dayton, K., Mahowald, N., 2023. Phases in fine volcanic ash. Scientific Reports 13, 15728.
  • 8- Hua, J., Fischer, K.M., Gazel, E., Parmentier, E.M., Hirth, G., 2023. Long‐Distance Asthenospheric Transport of Plume‐Influenced Mantle from Afar to Anatolia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24.
  • Hua, J., Fischer, K.M., Becker, T.W., Gazel, E., Hirth, G., 2023. Asthenospheric low-velocity zone consistent with globally prevalent partial melting. Nature Geoscience.
  • Zhang, Y., Namur, O., Li, W., Shorttle, O., Gazel, E., Jennings, E., Thy, P., Grove, T.L., Charlier, B., 2023. An Extended Calibration of the Olivine–Spinel Aluminum Exchange Thermometer: Application to the Melting Conditions and Mantle Lithologies of Large Igneous Provinces. Journal of Petrology 64.
  • Walker, R.J., Mundl-Petermeier, A., Puchtel, I.S., Nicklas, R.W., Hellmann, J.L., Echeverría, L.M., Ludwig, K.D., Bermingham, K.R., Gazel, E., *Devitre, C.L., Jackson, M.G., Chauvel, C., 2023. 182W and 187Os constraints on the origin of siderophile isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 363, 15-39.
  • Medin, S., Schmitz, A.M., Pian, B., Mini, K., Reid, M.C., Holycross, M., Gazel, E., Wu, M., Barstow, B., 2023. Genomic characterization of rare earth binding by Shewanella oneidensis. Scientific Reports 13, 15975.
  • Medin, S., Dressel, A., Specht, D.A., Sheppard, T.J., Holycross, M.E., Reid, M.C., Gazel, E., Wu, M., Barstow, B., 2023. Multiple Rounds of In Vivo Random Mutagenesis and Selection in Vibrio natriegens Result in Substantial Increases in REE Binding Capacity. ACS Synthetic Biology 12, 3680-3694.
  • Soderman, C.R., Shorttle, O., Gazel, E., Geist, D., J., Matthews, S., Williams, H. M, 2023. The evolution of Galápagos mantle plume. Science Advances 9, eadd5030.
  • Galetto, F., Pritchard, M.E., +Hornby, A.J., Gazel, E., Mahowald, N.M., 2023. Spatial and Temporal Quantification of Subaerial Volcanism From 1980 to 2019: Solid Products, Masses, and Average Eruptive Rates. Reviews of Geophysics, 61.
  • Dayton, K., Gazel, E., Wieser, P. Troll, V. R., Carracedo, J. C., LaMadrid, H., ¨Ward, J., Aulinas Junca, M., Geiger, H., Deegan, F., M., Gisbert Pinto, G., Pérez-Torrado, F. J., 2023. Deep magma storage during the 2021 La Palma eruption. Science Advances 9, eade7641.
  • Soderman, C.R., Shorttle, O., Gazel, E., Geist, D., J., Matthews, S., Williams, H. M. The evolution of Galápagos mantle plume. Science Advances 9, eadd5030.
  • Galetto, F., Pritchard, M.E., +Hornby, A.J., Gazel, E., Mahowald, N.M., 2023. Spatial and Temporal Quantification of Subaerial Volcanism From 1980 to 2019: Solid Products, Masses, and Average Eruptive Rates. Reviews of Geophysics, 61.
  • Hua, J., Fischer, K.M., Becker, T.W., Gazel, E., Hirth, G., 2023. Asthenospheric low-velocity zone consistent with globally prevalent partial melting. Nature Geoscience
  • Hua, J., Fischer, K.M., Gazel, E., Parmentier, E.M., Hirth, G., 2023. Long‐Distance Asthenospheric Transport of Plume‐Influenced Mantle from Afar to Anatolia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24.


  • +Fortin, M., Gazel, E., Kaltenegger, L., Hollycross, M., 2022. Lava worlds exoplanet surfaces. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2022;
  • Sun, M-D., Xu, Y-G., Gazel, E., Li, J., Zhang, W-F., Zhang, L, He, P-L., Xiao, Y-Y., Jourdan, F., Wilde, S. A. 2022. Exploring small-scale recycled mantle components with intraplate continental twin volcanoes. Chemical Geology 2022; 598.
  • Ostwald, A., Udry, A., Payré, V., Gazel, E., Wu, P., 2022. The role of assimilation and fractional crystallization in the evolution of the Mars crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 585.
  • Carracedo, J.C., Troll, V.R., Day, J.M.D., Geiger, H., Aulinas, M., Soler, V., Deegan, F.M., Perez-Torrado, F., Gisbert, G., Gazel, E., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A., Albert, H., 2022. The 2021 eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge on La Palma, Canary Islands. Geology Today, 38.
  • Sánchez-Murillo, R., Montero-Rodríguez, I., Corrales-Salazar, L., Esquivel-Hernández, G., Castro-Chacón, L., Rojas-Jiménez, L. D., Vargas-Víquez J., Pérez-Quezadas, J., Gazel, E., Boll, J.  2022. Deciphering complex groundwater age distributions and recharge processes in a tropical and fractured volcanic multi-aquifer system. Hydrological Processes 2022; 36(3).


  • Sun, M-D., Xu, Y-G., Gazel, E., Li, J., Zhang, W-F., Zhang, L, He, P-L., Xiao, Y-Y., Jourdan, F., Wilde, S. A. Exploring small-scale recycled mantle components with intraplate continental twin volcanoes. Chemical Geology 2022; 598.
  • Sánchez-Murillo, R., Montero-Rodríguez, I., Corrales-Salazar, L., Esquivel-Hernández, G., Castro-Chacón, L., Rojas-Jiménez, L. D., Vargas-Víquez J., Pérez-Quezadas, J., Gazel, E., Boll, J. Deciphering complex groundwater age distributions and recharge processes in a tropical and fractured volcanic multi-aquifer system. Hydrological Processes 2022; 36(3).
  • Zhang, Y., Gazel, E., Gaetani, G., Klein, F., 2021. Deep slab fluids control the oxidation state of the sub-arc mantle – Science Advances, 7 eabj2515.
  • Bekaert, D.V., Gazel, E., Hammerstrom, A., Turner, S., Behn, M., de Moor, J. M., Zahirovic, S., Seltzer, A.M., Fischer,  T.P., Kulongoski, J.T., Patel, B.S., Schrenk, M., Halldórsson, S.A., Nakagawa, M., Ramírez, C.J., Krantz, J.A.,  Yücel, M., Ballentine, C.J. Giovannelli, D. , Lloyd K.G., Barry. P.H. High 3He/4He in western Panama reveals an asthenospheric pipeline from the Galápagos plume. PNAS, 47, 118.
  • Schmitz, A.M, Pian, B., Medin, S., Reid, M.C., Wu, M., Gazel, E., Barstow, B., 2021. Gluconobacter oxydans Knockout Collection Finds Improved Rare Earth Element Extraction. Nature Communications, 12.
  • *DeVitre, C., Allison+, C., Gazel, E. 2021. A high-precision CO2 densimeter for Raman spectroscopy using a Fluid Density Calibration Apparatus. Chemical Geology, 584, 120522.
  • Long, M.D., Wagner, L.S., King, S.D., Evans, R.L., Mazza, S.E., Byrnes, J.S., Johnson, E.A., Kirby, E., Bezada, M.J., Gazel, E., Miller, S.R., Aragon, J.C., Liu, S. 2021. Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 126, e2021JB022571. 10.1029/2021jb022571
  • Qian, S., Gazel, E., Nichols, A.R.L., Cheng, H., Zhang, L., Salters, V.J., Li, J. Xiaoping, X, Zhou, H., 2021. The origin of post-spreading magmatism in the South China Sea and Southeast Asia – In press Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
  • Wu, P*. Gazel, E. Udry, A. Ostwald, A. M., 2021 Melt Inclusions in Chassignites: A Connection Between Martian Meteorites and In Situ Evolved Rocks at Gale Crater. Meteorites and Planetary Science, 56 (7), 1328-1349.
  • Gazel E., Flores K.E., Carr, M.J. 2021. Architectural and Tectonic Control on the Segmentation of the Central American Volcanic Arc. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 49.
  • Alfaro, A*., Gazel, E., White B. Jicha, B., Rasbury, T., 2021. Unravelling the genesis of young continental-arc shoshonites in the Talamanca Cordillera, Costa Rica. Lithos, 386-387.


  • Moore L.R.*, Gazel E, Bodnar, R.J., 2020. The volatile budget of Hawaiian magmatism: Constraints from melt inclusions from Haleakala volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107144
  • Flores K.E., Gazel E., 2020. A 100 m.y. record of volcanic arc evolution in Nicaragua. Island Arc 29.


  • Gazel, E., Hayes J,L., Ulloa, A, Alfaro, A, ColemanD, Carr, M., J. 2019. The record of the transition from an oceanic arc to a young continent in the Talamanca Cordillera, Central America, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20. 2018GC008128
  • DeVitre, C., Gazel, E., Madrigal,P. Lücke, O., Alvarado G.E., Soto, G. J. 2019. Geochemical evidence for multi-stage chaotic magma mixing at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 381, 330-346
  • Mazza, S. E., E. Gazel, M. Bizimis, R. Moucha, P. Béguelin, E. A. Johnson, R. J. McAleer, and A. V. Sobolev, 2019, Sampling the volatile-rich transition zone beneath Bermuda, Nature, 569(7756), 398-403.
  • Barry, P.H., J. M. de Moor, D. Giovannelli, M. Schrenk, D. Hummer, T. Lopez, K. Pratt, Y. Alpízar Segura, A. Battaglia, P. Beaudry, G. Bini, M. Cascante, G. d’Errico5, M. di Carlo, D. Fattorini, K. Fullerton, E. Gazel, G. González, S. A. Halldórsson, K. Iacovino, J.T. Kulongoski, E. Manini, M. Martinez, H. Miller, M. Nakagawa, S. Ono, S. Pathwardhan, C.J. Ramirez, F. Regoli, F. Smedile, S. Turner, C. Vetriani, M. Yucel, C.J. Ballentine. 2019. Forearc carbon sinks reduce long-term volatile recycling into the mantle, Nature, 568 (7753), 487-492.
  • Ruiz, P., S. Mana, E. Gazel, G. J. Soto, M. J. Carr, and G. E. Alvarado, 2019. Geochemical and Geochronological Characterization of Poás Stratovolcano Stratigraphy. Poás Volcano: The Pulsing Heart of Central America Volcanic Zone, 13-43, Springer International Publishing, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02156-0_2. (book chapter)


  • Gazel, E., Trela, J., Bizimis M., Sobolev, A., Batanova V., Class C., Jicha B. 2018, Long-Lived Source Heterogeneities in the Galapagos Mantle Plume, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, doi:10.1029/2017gc007338.
  • Udry, A., Gazel, E, McSween, H. Y., 2018, Formation of Evolved Rocks at Gale Crater by Crystal Fractionation and Implications for Mars Crustal Composition, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets123(6), 1525-1540, doi:10.1029/2018je005602.
  • Moore, L. R., Mironov, N. Portnyagin, M., Gazel, E., Bodnar R. J., 2018, Volatile contents of primitive bubble-bearing melt inclusions from Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka: Comparison of volatile contents determined by mass-balance versus experimental homogenization, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research358, 124-131, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.03.007.


  • Ramírez-Leiva, A., **Sánchez-Murillo, R. Martínez-Cruz, M., Calderón, H., Esquivel-Hernández, G., V. Delgado, V., C. Birkele, C., Gazel, E., Alvarado-Induni, G., Soulsby, C., 2017 Stable isotopes evidence of recycled subduction fluids in the hydrothermal/volcanic activity across Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
  • Trela, Jarek, Esteban Gazel, A. Sobolev, M. Bizimis, B. Jicha, V Vatanova2017.“The hottest Phanerozoic magmas and the Survival of Archean Reservoirs.”Nature Geoscience10451-456.
  • Mazza, S E., Esteban Gazel, E A. Johnson, M. Bizimis, R. McAleer, C B Biryol2017.“Post-rift magmatic evolution of the eastern North American “passive-aggressive” margin.”Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems18.


  • Zamboni, D., Jarek Trela, Esteban Gazel, A V. Sobolev, C. Cannatelli, F. Lucchi, V G. Batanova, B DeVivo2016.“New insights into the Aeolian Islands and other arc source compositionsfrom high-precision olivine chemistry.”Lithos272185-191.
  • Aster, Ellen M., Paul J. Wallace, Lowell R. Moore, James Watkins, Esteban Gazel, Robert J Bodnar2016.“Reconstructing CO2 concentrations in basaltic melt inclusions using Raman analysis of vapor bubbles. -.”Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research323148-162.
  • Whattam, Scott A., Esteban Gazel, Keewook Yi, Percy Denyer2016.“Origin of plagiogranites in oceanic complexes: A case study of the Nicoya and Santa Elena terranes, Costa Rica.”Lithos26275-87.